Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Pokemon That People Have Forgotten About From Each Region

Hello! I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I hope to post a whole lot more in the future! So, these are the Pokemon that I think people have forgotten about from each region, starting with Kanto.

Kanto- Tauros. Tauros seems rather like a lost cause to me. He rarely makes appearences in the games, so no wonder we forgot about the bull that can CONTROL OTHER POKEMON.

Johto- Stantler. Stantler is a Pokemon that looks a whole lot like a deer. I guess game freak tried to bring stantler's spirit back in swasbuck from Gen 5, but all deer pokemon have been kind of lost.

Hoeen- Volbeat and Illumise. These firefly bugs are annoying. And forgetful. You have to trade between games to get both of them, and bear in mind none of the Pokemon I have mentioned so far have an evolution.Image result for illumise and volbeat

Sinnoh- Shellos. Shellos is the pre-evolution of gastrodon, and boy is he hard to remember. Shellos or gastrodon can only be obtained in games after diamond and pearl by trade(I think) , which makes them very hard to come by.

Unova- Alomomola. This one makes me go; what the heck is that? Game freak must have really been digging in the bottom of the barrel when this one came around. I mean, come on. Alomomola? Once this thing has been captured it goes in the PC box never to be seen again. 

Kalos: Binacle. Binacle is one of those Pokemon that you pray evolves soon into much stronger barbaracle. So unless you really, really want a barbaracle, nobody uses binacle.
That's all for today! See ya'll next time.